CMSP Applications FAQs
I am currently attending a four-year institution and taking classes at a community college. Can I apply to CMSP?
- CMSP is designed as a pathway program for community college students to enter medicine. As such, the majority of our early curriculum is centered around the transfer process! Which would not apply since you are a four-year institution.
- In this scenario, you should attend the Community College Pre-Med Conference in October and the UC San Diego MEDS Conference in the Spring!
- CMSP is designed as a pathway program for community college students to enter medicine. As such, the majority of our early curriculum is centered around the transfer process! Which would not apply since you are a four-year institution.
What do I do if my community college is not on the list?
- If your community college is not on the list, check the CMSP Central office page to see if you are in another Regional Hub!
I already have my four year degree in a different field of study but am back in school as a pre-med, can I join CMSP?
- Unfortunately CMSP requires you have not completed a undergraduate degree to join the program (this includes a completed Associates).
I am submitting my transfer application the same semester I am applying to CMSP, am I eligible?
- Due to our programming being centered on the transfer process, you will not be able to join CMSP if you are currently (Fall 2025) submitting your transfer application, you must be applying to transfer starting Fall 2027 or later (ie submitting your transfer application in Fall 2026)
How are applications reviewed?
- CMSP utilizes a holistic review process where we look at all aspects of an applicants file when considering admissions.
- Once applications are reviewed and letters of reccomendation are recieved, applicants will be invited to interview so we can learn more.
How long do scholars stay in CMSP?
- Scholars stay within the program throughout their medical careers! We have opportunities for scholars at all levels of their journey through community college, at a four-year institution, during gap years, and in medical school. Scholars can leave the program if:
- they decide to have a career change away from medicine
- they state they would like to exit CMSP
- Scholars stay within the program throughout their medical careers! We have opportunities for scholars at all levels of their journey through community college, at a four-year institution, during gap years, and in medical school. Scholars can leave the program if:
What commitments do scholars have in the program?
- Scholars will have a mandatory monthly workshop in the first year, alternating between in-person and hybrid formats.
- Additionally, there will be required tasks such as submitting unofficial transcripts, writing, surveys, presentations, and other assignments focused on developing scholars professionally and preparing them for medical school.
- Lastly, scholars are required to meet with their assigned medical student mentor once a month.